Office of the President
Learn about the initiatives, priorities and goals of Seattle University’s 22nd president.
From the President
At Seattle University, our mission to empower leaders for a just and humane world calls us to help our students (and by extension, our society) to understand and grapple with all these challenges. And, as Seattle’s Jesuit university, we are well positioned to undertake this work in a way that is distinctive within in our region and beyond.
Our Jesuit approach to educating our students goes beyond affording them technical expertise. It does that, to be sure. But it also offers them tools to apply critical perspectives and to engage their deepest values. It pushes against the limits of disciplinary boundaries – bringing philosophical and theological reflection into dialogue with science and engineering and law and policy. This is why we call Seattle University the place “where innovation meets humanity.”
Eduardo Peñalver
About the President
Learn more about President Eduardo Peñalver.
About the Office
Executive Leadership
Key Initiatives and Priorities
Get in Touch
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